Tuesday 15 November 2011

The city forest

The abstract image is created by layers of lines.

3D model by chinatsu

City Buildings

City Buildings:

This is inspired by the frame work of city buildings. they create the city forest, when there many of them gathered in close proximity.

3D model by chinatsu

Thursday 10 November 2011

Assignment 2 Final Video

This Pachube feed from the beginning, to me had some kind of notion of hybrid.
In terms of energy consumption the light should be turned off when it is not needed.

My chosen Pachube ----Creating Space with Light -----  https://pachube.com/feeds/35501 
is directly releted to people. Every time Pacube censers a person coming in the room in the real world my engine creates a person in the Game. And My Analytic Engine creates an another data to measure the space and light.

As my Analytic Engine shows the number of lights turning on, the data is read from sensors which indicate that a person walked into the room.

The room is divided into 9 large areas. Each area is divided into 4 small zones, each zone has 2 sources of light. Each light has 50% of the usual light output.
So the light level increase gradually accumulates and no matter how many people are in the area there is no necessity of having a brighter light than what is needed. And the light stays on with the same bright ness until the space is emptied, in addition the light in the small zone is only turned on when someone is in the zone. This conserves energy.

Every time someone walks into a small area the small light turns on and sends a message to the larger space so the light in the larger space turns on and the light stays on until the space is emptied.
The number of people entering and leaving could be counted easily but it is not possible to control people’s movements.
Also the number of lights turned on and off in the particular area would not be so easy to be calculated in real time.
Because the area is divided into 9 the Analytic Engine is able to show in which part of the room the light was turned and off the most actively and less actively over the area of the whole room.               
This Analytic Engine in Pachube is able to count the number of times the light is turned on and off by being directly connected into real time sensor and the account can be kept in the graph in Pacube feed.


This parts is mainly counting the number of time the light is switched off in the larger areas.

FG 2

Below FG shows the way the Pachube feed is connected to the analytic Engine.
every time Pachube count a light switches on that means 1 person came into the room. we don't know  who the person was so I used the Randon multiplexer.
(my chosen Pachube feed is frozen so it is reading multiple XML files every second.)

Link to 
     My level   :   http://www.gamefront.com/files/20996364/z3378274_anlysis_

     Objects   :    http://www.gamefront.com/files/20996375/z3378274_Objects.zip

Assignment 2 : Research Assignment

Research Assignment:

Link to my Tutorial (Better resolution) but need down loading.


Link to this video on YouTubehttp://youtu.be/dXvPnWoMheY

I tried to use the voice recorder but I cannot spear fast and clear enough to follow the screen so I decided to use pop ups instead.....

This tutorial is for the beginner user. 
During the learning process of new software especially the users are not highly competent with the computer. 
The walk-though of each step in this tutorial is made simple, and the place to find each button is clearly shown.
Without having a deep understanding of the function of each implementation the procedure is followed and the process is experimented so that viewers can easily understand the purpose of each step after tutorial was followed a couple of times.

Moving AI walk around:

This can be done with simple implementation of Flow Graph.
The most important point to make everything work correctly in Sandbox2 CrysisWar I found is not to miss any necessary steps:

Same as the surface texture, the navigation of all of AI has to be generated for the first time only {Generate All Navigation} button needs to be assigned which can be found under AI in the tool bar.    

       • Under RollUpBar – AIPath - Params - Road has to be set False.

      • Follow Terrain or Follow Terrain snap on the tool bar should be selected so that the path    follows the surface as expected. 

      • The path can be re-shaped by clicking Edit Shape under Roll up Bar. 

  • FG can be set for AI to walk faster, follow path in reverse, to have a different stance, not go too close to each other as well. 

They are many different kind of AI available in SandBox editor but When Enemy AI such as New Asian's are used unless Igor setting is used the players get attacked and enemy AI and friendly AI start fitting.

Turning the light on and off when AI enters the area:

This is a variation of the simple flow graph that was in Vhin, Ross and students from last year Margaret Gay’s tutorial in Assignment 1, but in this tutorial AI and Simple Light is used instead of the player. 
We had a number of tutorials available for the gesture of the entity according to the player’s movement; I felt that there was a lack of direct information related to how to make Entity do something.

The most important point is to tick AI only box under proximity trigger then any flow graph      to make Entity change their conditions according to AI’s movement through proximity trigger, area trigger can be used.

Also in the same way of FG node mapping material parrameter can be changed as AI walk into the area.
 Material can be set in default or custom made the material (colour, shader, opacity and texture) which can be changed under Material Editor.

Sources of information 

In my very earlier stage of learning the process for Sandbox2 I came across tutorials of Cryazy101, Xanthochori’, DirtboxTutorials.  Even though their tutorials are not architectural I found the tutorials very clear, short enough so that the specific information can be corrected easily, and quality of the videos are reliable. And being made into video tutorials I recognized many critical points that are not explained verbally, by watching where the curser goes. Creating Environment and AI related information are often found in one of those people's tutorials. 
They have many tutorials available for potential architectural presentation use. 

To create the architectural walk through using the proximity trigger became the critical point. There is not much information available related to Architectural use in Sandbox2 compared to  software such as 3Ds Max Sketch Up. But a lot of useful information can be found in tutorials from last year students:

BENV 2423-2010 Blog Spot

Sandbox Tutorial: Lighting Effects and Flowgraph part 1/2, 2/2 by Margaret Gay 

Also INCRYSIS and Moddb are a useful link for understanding of each nodes and to think through the placement of nodes.
Reading through forums sometimes answers the question.



Basic Tutorials


Making AI Squadmates Follow You - YouTube

Following AI [HD]


Add Rain

Camera Scene

Make AI Patrol 2 Points 

Crysis Sandbox Tutorial 46 AI walk in Building - YouTube 


Crysis Sandbox Tutorial 37: Vehicle Entering AI [HD]

Make AI Drive Vehicle 

Monday 7 November 2011

Saturday 5 November 2011

Assignment 30 second Video

3 x 30 seconds videos + some additions

Every time when 1 person gets to a place (for example to the exit) another person comes(spawns). which sends the signal to Pachube feed and Pachube feed measures the maximum value (Maybe the voltage...though it is an odd number for the voltage) and records it.
Also another sensor is placed there in the blue building and every time when someone walks into it it counts and keeps adding to the total . 

This Analytic Engine is counting people entering the space and the current value through Pachube (the number shown on top)  also spawning a person each time the Pachube censer catches someone coming into the room. when someone leaves the space sends the message through Pachube (the number shown at the bottom). this would be very useful if we can set up the engine to make somehow peoples movement in the room connected the real time.

The person in the middle is running around randomly. Every time the person gets to a point Analytic Engine calculates the distance between the two people on both side and the person in the middle and it shows as a up and down bar graph. This can calculate the random number of the distance which is made for the viewer to follow easily in the vision.
This could be useful for something like a panning the placement of the entrance door and fire exit...